OCaml Labs compiler hacking


Eleventh OCaml compiler hacking evening at Pembroke College

24 Nov 2015

It's time for the eleventh Cambridge OCaml compiler-hacking evening! This time we're heading to central Cambridge, to enjoy all that Pembroke College has to offer.

If you're planning to come along, it'd be helpful if you could indicate interest via Doodle and sign up to the mailing list to receive updates.

Where: Outer Parlour, Pembroke College, Cambridge CB2 1RF. Head through the entrance on Trumpington Street, and we'll be there at the Porter's Lodge to direct you.

When: 6pm, Monday 30th November

Who: anyone interested in improving OCaml. Knowledge of OCaml programming will obviously be helpful, but prior experience of working on OCaml internals isn't necessary.

What: fixing bugs, implementing new features, learning about OCaml internals

Wiki: https://github.com/ocamllabs/compiler-hacking/wiki

We're defining "compiler" pretty broadly, to include anything that's part of the standard distribution, which means at least the standard library, runtime, tools (ocamldep, ocamllex, ocamlyacc, etc.), camlp4, ocamlbuild, the documentation, OPAM, and the compiler itself. We'll have suggestions for mini-projects for various levels of experience, but feel free to come along and work on whatever you fancy.

Drinks and finger buffet will be provided.